Monday, September 2, 2013

Snow Day

During months of remodeling and landscaping I've been producing a few paintings without posting them, so here's one done on gessoed board. From sketches and references compiled outside of Bend, along the Little Deschutes River.

Monday, January 28, 2013

After the Move

The Earnest One, 6x6 oil on panel

This is my first post in months because in October I bought a new (actually old) house, packed up my studio and sold the house I had, moved, and began some serious remodeling tasks. I had intentionally kept my painting gear packed up and unavailable so that I could concentrate on making my "new" house habitable. I finally broke down last week during the on-going kitchen remodel, dug out my buried paints and panels, fashioned a makeshift palette, and started a couple of small paintings just to keep my sanity. Painting sure keeps a person centered and healthy.